Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Liverpool Winters Art Fair

Had confirmation that I've got a stand at this. Looking forward to gauging reaction to the Red prints - I've produced them at around 600mm x 1m and mounted on to foamex panels. They look great and hopefully the feedback will be positive as I'm going to start pushing these next.
I also have been asked to be part of a new photo crit group setting up in Preston - if anyone else is interested, it seems fairly informal, let me know and I'll pass on the details. It starts next month.
I also took the kids in to the local library last Friday and after passing across a concertina of Off season prints to the ladies ( they always like to know whats going on after showing some of my work here a few years back ), they had put up the prints proud of place near the main desk. Very nice and a big thank-you to librarians of Fulwood!

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