Monday, 30 May 2011

Gasland here in UK

I watched a documentary a couple of weeks back called Gasland. Thought provoking and it presented a fascinating insight in to something I knew nothing about.
This morning, here in Lancashire on the local news, I heard a short story about a small earthquake in Blackpool about 30 or so miles from where I live. Geologists believe that this tremor, the second in a short timeframe, was caused by hydraulic drilling for gas.
This is exactly what the documentary Gasland concerned itself with. As something that is banned already in certain places within the US and also in France, it is terrifying that it is happening now only 30 minutes or so up the coast.
News articles on the net state that Cuadrilla Resources, the company behind the gas exploration, are to dig next month closer to my home in a place just outside Preston.
I feel that something here needs to be followed up and questions asked before we see in the UK's northwest the same water taps emitting gas and poorly families forced to drink bottled water and keep away from what is a supposedly safe water supply like what has so clearly happened in the States.